
I’ll repost the question here: Question


Or, phrased with less CAPS and hair-pulling, why is “heroin thin” popular again? What makes us culturally attracted to bony babes who look like they could fall over in a strong gust? And why do I find myself wishing to be skinny like them?? I’m a fat lady Christian feminist who believes in body positivity! Why??!!

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Liz Charlotte Grant

I think the article nailed the reasons for the return to the thin ideal: thinness (especially "pretty" thinness) has always given people more power. Sure, there's been a bit more acceptance in recent years for bigger bodies, but most of them still have snatched waits to go with the curvy hips and big breasts. There's still only a small percentage of the population that can attain even the curvy version of ideal because there's still a nod to thinness.

I think this extreme thinness is back because that's what beauty trends do: they swing in one direction until "too many" people are close-ish to the ideal and then they swing back to something that feels "fresh". Because, guess what, capitalism needs people to keep chasing a new body so they'll buy more. People who've achieved the perfect "snatched waist, big butt, big breasts" look will now invest time and energy into wasting away. And women are products in our society. Objects to be manipulated to whatever is deemed beautiful on the whims of society.

I do fear for the young women (and some older ones) who are more susceptible to buy into the belief that their bodies must visually represent the whims of society in order to be valued. As a fat woman myself (though a decade of near-starvation gave me a taste of the privileges of being thin-adjacent), it's only been in the last couple years that I've been able to work through my fatphobia and accept that my body has value regardless of how it looks. The damage that fatphobia did to my mental health for most of my life, though, lingers. I fear this new trend will raise up a new generation with the same internal hangups I've had.

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Gaaaah so much to love in this comment. The fatphobia is real and overwhelming -- esp if you’re young!

I also agree with you and others who have echoed your idea of women as “products.”

This is the natural endpoint of consumerism - we’re not just consumers, but we ourselves are consumed. And I fear for what that does to our minds and theologies. PTL God doesn’t see us like that!! (Although how much of evangelicalism’s troubles have come from imbibing capitalism as if it’s next to godliness??)

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I...oh boy.

I hate watching young girls (and boys) walk toward the quagmire we managed to kind of scramble out of. I have teens in my life whom I love and invest in, but bringing it up is a delicate matter because chronic illness has blessed-or-cursed-me with the sought-after thinness, and that kinda changes how my words might be received. I remember well-meaning but very pretty 20-somethings kindly telling me that beauty didn't matter when I had a faceful of terrible acne as a teen. I appreciated the effort, but my lizard brain said "that's easy for you to say, lady."

I want to be careful about complaining about being too thin when so many people in my life struggle in the other direction. It continues to bring home how twisted our priorities are, though. Once after leaving the doctor's office having dropped a few more pounds, I was cat-called by a couple of guys who specifically said, "Looking skinny, darlin'!" I whirled around, marched toward them, and said with increasing volume, "Yeah, that's because I have a serious chronic illness that has made holes in my stomach and I have at least four kinds of parasites that are literally eating me from the inside out, think about that before you CATCALL SOMEONE THAT WAY," which caused one of them to call me a b**** and the other one to apologize and maybe learn something. Then I walked away and burst into tears, whereupon two very nice girl persons walking by asked if I was okay and gave me hugs. Portland ME, your hug-givers outweigh your cat-callers and I love you.

I digress. The point is, they equated skinny with attractive. It made me so mad even as I struggled to walk back to my car amid post-doctor-appointment anxiety and rage adrenaline.

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Oh my goodness. This is the best response to a car call I’ve ever heard. You are a saint, Hannah!

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Liz Charlotte Grant

That is a great honor.

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022Liked by Liz Charlotte Grant

I second that! What a great response.

This is a great example of why it's so damaging to value thinness for thinness' sake, and it's one I think of often when I hear people being praised for weight loss.

I think it's great that you want to be a voice of truth to the young women in your life, but it is true that hearing "you don't have to be thin" from a thin person doesn't always ring true (I know it never did for me). At the same time, though, I think we all need to hear the truth along the way from as many sources as we can. Only God knows when we'll be ready for those truths to sink in all the way, but once they are, knowing that others tried to point it out along the way can make the journey to fully embracing truth much easier.

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Liz Charlotte Grant

And probably helping to support these girls in building a more holistic identity, rooted both in their bodies and in Christ, is ultimately more important- giving them tools to cope with the unhealthy pressures they're going to face. I appreciate your thoughts, Sherise!

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Cat* call. Hahaha

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Also, I gotta make clear how much this bums me out that Gen Z, in particular, are falling for the same old marketing ploys. 🥵😱 And why are we using these same ploys?? Ugh!

I fear a move toward the skinniest possible version of women will be terrible for female mental health across the board… cause the reality of a “heroin chic” bod is so severe and unattainable for most.

Or perhaps it comes from an already raging mental health crisis?

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And those who do attain it can damage their health so badly in the process. :(

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Yep. Exactly. And then we’re back to a discussion of disability. 😭😱

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deletedNov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022Liked by Liz Charlotte Grant
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Changing how you think is HARD. Definitely have struggled with that one.

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